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How Does Vitamin D Affect Your Weight?

Many experts now believe that one of the most common and detrimental nutritional deficiencies is that of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is most easily absorbed into our bodies through exposure to the sun. However, we have a significant choice…that of the benefits of Vitamin D and preventing skin cancer from excess exposure to the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. You see, most sunscreen blocks ultraviolet rays meaning that we absorb very little Vitamin D from “sunscreen-protected” sun exposure. Further, since we generally spend more time indoors than ever before, especially in the work environment, our skin is not exposed to beneficial sunlight as it may have been for our parents and grandparents.


Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to physical and psychological issues, each of which can contribute to follow-on problems. Vitamin D can improve mood, which in turn can fight excess weight and obesity. Vitamin D also helps our bodies effectively absorb and use the calcium we consume leading to stronger bones and helping to ward off osteoporosis and joint pain. Join pain limits our activity and once again can allow for excess weight accumulation. With regard to bone health, a Vitamin D deficiency can be especially problematic for bariatric surgery patients. A reduced caloric consumption can exacerbate joint issues associated with low Vitamin D levels.

When you’re next at the doctor’s office for a checkup, it is worth asking him or her about your Vitamin D levels. Understanding how Vitamin D works in your body and learning more about how to increase your intake of Vitamin D can be very useful in your fight against his excess weight.

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